
Showing posts from 2011

Back to Square One !!!!

It was a crowded junction...... Cars were rushing in from everywhere. Headlights were flashing all over.It was a red signal For a second my heart stopped beating when I slipped while I was walking on the unstructured footpath, but the very next moment without realizing the heart rate eased as I found my father holding my hand and pointing me towards the walkway. He was saying "Rise daughter, you still have miles to go". Crossing the street and reaching home wasn’t so difficult after that; I followed his league. While growing up we all learn to do things on our own. Sometimes we feel we have become so efficient that we don’t need anyone else’s help. We can sustain ourself, we are self-sufficient, and we can take our own decisions. But then such incidents happen and bring us right back to square one and we ponder over the fact— what are we without the people in our lives... Our parents have given birth to us.. Even today after becoming a grown up crossing a busy street increase

Meet Amit Mitra - The new finance minister of W.B.

The State definitely holds a place in my heart as I worked so closely with it's people as a part of my first job. Paschim Banga or West Bengal whatever be the name, one thing is for sure, its not the name where the problem lies, it is the taxes. Recently while surfing channels found the name of Dr. Amit Mitra, the man who served FICCI for long a part of Mamata's Family, I definitely have a hope that things in W.B. will change for sure. Mitra has projected a 31 % increase in revenue collection. The man has switched from Suit to Dhoti Kurta on assuming office. Its sociology of symbolism for sure. Within a short span of time he has gone through the famous vote of accounts of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and the budget document shortened from 25 books to 9 pages, much amidst strong reactions of Opposition. It wont be first of his turn arounds. The day he stepped inside FICCI, there was a threat that electricity connection will be severed and salaries wont be paid for a month. He generated a

Rahul's Marriage !!

1600 kms by Train and another 900 by a Bolero with friends, just to see that amazing smile on my friends face as he started a new phase in his life.. Just lived a few of the most amazing and adventurous moments of my life.. Life is Beautiful. Honesty, Compassion and Love make it so Beautiful. Not Money, Hypocrisy and Envy. :)

I believe..

"Profession is an emotion; actually, it is a state of awareness, a way of being in the world, a way of seeing oneself and others."

Why Do I Rejoice ??

Because I keep my Childish Soul. Because I am Enthusiastic about my work. Because I make everyone happy around me.

The Money is in Agri-Inputs.

Even as India's population increased by 17 per cent in the last 10 years, its farm output expanded at just half that rate. Despite growing demand for food, the land devoted to agriculture has come down in the last 20 years. With extra money to spend, Indians are including more pulses, milk and meat in their diet, but the output of these products is simply unable to keep pace. There's not much you can do But yes you can make money off them, by owning stocks that play on the agriculture. While there are several options in the listed space for investors , makers of agricultural inputs are the best options. Earnings for such manufacturers tend to be less volatile than those for agro-commodity companies, which are subject to the vagaries of weather and commodity price swings. Companies manufacturing agricultural inputs are a better way to play on the “rural consumption” story than FMCGs, two-wheelers or retailers. Rural incomes have, in recent years, been rising fast on the ba

Changing food habits of India- Do we recognise this business opportunity ??

Engel’s law is one of the most established law of economics Engel’s law of economics states that ‘Economic development involves an increase in national and per capita income and the consequent changes in the consumption pattern. A notable change in the pattern of consumption expenditure is expected due to change in per capita income. As the economy develops, the level of income of its people increases and they begin consuming larger quantity and superior quality products. This process though quite gradual brings about changes in the pattern of consumption over time. With the increasing incomes, accelerating urbanisation and improving value chains, the food consumption patterns in India have been dramatically altered in accordance to the Engel’s law. The Tenth Plan has emphasized the need for Nutrition Security with rapid increase in dietary diversification So with the increasing urbanisation in India, people would see more of vegetables and fruit consumption as compared to staple food